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Kaili Miao's Sister's Sour Soup Fish, Creating a Guizhou Flavor Industry Chain
Added:2023-06-05     Views:

【 Global Network Culture Report 】 The reputation of "Guizhou Sour Soup Fish" has spread far and wide, and the most authentic taste is in the craftsmanship of Kaili Miao Ah Jie. The unique flavor of Miao's sour soup lies in its rich aroma, which is naturally fermented without the need for vinegar blending. The real Miao sour soup, after you eat it, you won't be thirsty, nor will you have a dry throat, and you will still want to eat it. "Wu Duqin, the inheritor of intangible cultural heritage sour soup, has been selling sour soup with her parents on Kaili Street since childhood. She started cooking sour soup fish for customers in a small shop, and customers came in a continuous stream to seek out the flavor. At most, she drove nearly thirty or forty restaurants making sour soup to open on a street, Serve pots of steaming sour soup fish for diners, and Kaili's sour soup has spread to Guiyang, making "Guizhou sour soup fish" a must-have food for tourists and making sour soup an impression of Guizhou. Now, Wu Duqin is thinking about developing sour soup into a standardized product, creating a unique Miao brand, so that the food culture of sour soup fish can go out of the mountains and be passed on to further places.

The Miao family has a long history of consuming sour soup. Qiandi Su does not produce salt, so it replaces salt with acid. Sour soup fish is found in every household in our Miao village, and we Miao people cannot do without it. After eating sour soup, we have the strength to work. As a Miao girl, the taste of sour soup is very familiar to Wu Duqin. In March of each year, the Miao family goes to plant rice seedlings, and the fish fry are placed in the water. In September, when rice is harvested, the fish grow up and become a delicacy on the table. Every August and September, the Miao family starts eating sour soup fish. The taste is delicious and spicy, making it appetizing. Adding some soybean sprouts, small bamboo shoots, and wild onions as adjuncts makes the flavor even more unique.

The street side shop that Wu Duqin initially opened was only ten meters square, unknown, and sometimes only one customer came to visit in a day. The Miao people like sour soup, and Wu Duqin thought that he could also cook sour soup dishes for guests to eat. As a result, everyone was very welcome to sour soup, and sour soup fish gradually became a food passed down by mouth. Because many guests came to ponder, the steaming sour soup fish became a characteristic of the entire street, and nearly thirty or forty restaurants, big, small, and small, opened their doors for diners who enjoyed it.

Wu Duqin recalled that later on, some of the surrounding stores were relocated, and some withdrew due to poor taste. Sometimes there was business, sometimes there was no business, and there were also setbacks in the construction and reconstruction of the entire street. Some people entered and some withdrew, but she persevered and persevered. The most difficult moment was the death of her husband. "The sky is about to collapse, and I can't get up after two months of rest." When Wu Duqin wanted to give up, a guest who missed the taste of sour soup fish came knocking at the door and asked to eat the sour soup fish she made. This allowed Wu Duqin to hold on again, not only creating a unique Miao restaurant called Lianghuan Village, but also raising his two sons. The reputation of sour soup fish is increasing, and even colleagues from Guiyang have come to "cheat" and personally come here to see how Wu Duqin makes sour soup. In the 1990s, Guiyang also had a restaurant with sour soup fish characteristics, gradually becoming the "food impression" of Guizhou.

Sour soup, which includes both white and bright red sour soup, is a secret recipe passed down by the Miao family. White sour soup is the taste of a mother, while red sour soup is the taste of a father. "Wu Duqin introduced that the Miao family's sour soup was originally passed down as white sour soup made by fermentation. Later, in order to cater to more people's tastes, red sour soup gradually emerged. White sour soup is fermented from local glutinous rice, while red sour soup is brewed with red chili peppers and spicy fruit.

Eating sour soup often doesn't make me fat. You see, I'm almost seventy years old, don't I look younger? "Wu Duqin joked about sour soup, commonly known as" Miao longevity soup ". Eating sour soup in winter can help warm up the body and relieve heat, promote fluid production, and prevent cardiovascular aging. It's a healthy food. Nowadays, in Wu Duqin's Miao style restaurant, not only can you taste the authentic "Lao Kaili Miao Sour Soup Fish", but she also promotes Miao culture to the restaurant to enrich tourists' dining experience. The Miao embroidery and Miao silver decorations that can be seen everywhere in the restaurant, as well as the folk songs, dances, and unique Miao toasting experiences brought by the Miao brothers and sisters dressed in traditional costumes, all make people who come to admire the name forget to leave.

"It's actually hard to cook food, but I'm also very pleased because now our pickled Chinese cabbage fish is not my own business. The pickled fish has been widely promoted, not only in Kaili, but also in Guizhou and all over the country. The pickled fish is not only for me to become rich, but also for our local unemployed and private enterprises." Wu Duqin said that in his life, it is this fish and a pot of soup.

In order to allow more people to taste authentic sour soup, Wu Duqin invested 38 million yuan in the Kaili Lianghuan Zhai restaurant she founded, built an annual production line of 10000 tons of sour soup products, maintained the traditional fermentation process, and created standardized products. This solved the contradiction between the production of Miao's sour soup small workshops and the large-scale operation of the sour soup industry, laying a solid foundation for the industrial development of sour soup, and enabled the sour soup fish brand to sell nationwide and go global.

Source of this article: Global Network

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